Day 2 Task : Basic linux commands
Basic Commands
Syntax: ls
Description: Lists the subdirectories and files available in the present directory.
ls -l: Lists the files and directories in long list format with extra information.
ls -d */: Lists only directories (you can specify a pattern to filter results).
ls -a: Lists all files and directories, including hidden ones.
ls *.sh: Lists all files with a .sh extension.
ls -i: Lists files and directories with their index numbers (inodes).
ls -d */: Lists only directories (you can specify a pattern to filter results).
Directory Commands
Description: Prints the present working directory.
Syntax: cd [path_to_directory]
Description: Changes the current directory to the provided path.
cd ~ or cd: Changes directory to the home directory.
cd -: Goes to the last working directory.
cd .. : Changes directory one level up.
cd ../..: Changes directory two levels up.
Syntax: mkdir [directoryName]
Description: Creates a new directory with the specified name at the current location.